Monday, November 12, 2007

Time for Change...To This Blog

I'm too busy and have put writing off for far too long, so I'm going to convert this blog into an outlet for all my creative writing, not just political thoughts that I don't have time for anymore. So with no further ado, here is the first installment of my new blog.

American Synthesis

Making love to the absurdist noise,
crying out in the fading street light.
The spectre looms as we sleep,
the sad-eyed posterchild weeping smeared tears.

To the heroin drama we give praise,
the intoxicated comedy we laugh in disbelief.
Breakbeats pounding in the boy's eardrums
leave a desire for rhyme and its riches.

Rhythm of flesh and breath give life
to a new being, a costumed freak god.
He/she rises above the pulsating crowd,
a Gypsy Baron/ess lording over the muddled mob.

Powpowpow, the righetous bring arms,
seeking a skirmish with the new scum.
The horde of angry eclectic electric soldiers
ensuring the fall of the indoctrinated.

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